Wednesday 1 January 2014

Intentional Homemaking

I am amazed how content I am in my home and my life now. I remember just a few years ago, I always felt the need to escape, to find solace in a local coffee shop or bookstore and even at my workplace. My house felt congested and chaotic, it did not reflect the person I wanted to be. I was angry and frustrated, because things were in such a state of chaos. I wanted something different but most days the house was a mess; garbage cans overflowed and spilled onto the floor, dirty dishes littered the counter, bedrooms had heaps of clean and dirty clothes, my laundry/sewing room looked like a bomb had gone off. I would spend all day cleaning and organizing, and in my wake was just more chaos. This was not a reflection of who I was, and what I valued.

I realized that the thing that I value most is my home, not just the building that I and my girls reside in, but the environment that I create with my moods and my habits. I wanted to create memories of peace and beauty, of wholesome meals and simple pleasures. I wanted a house that reflects us, our interests and personalities.
One thing that singledom has done for me is demand that I be self-sufficient. Rather than this feeling overwhelming, it has been empowering. I no longer wait for someone else to do a job I know has to be done. There is no anger or blame, there is just planning and action. The buck ultimately stops here. I am the one responsible to pay the bills, mow the lawn, take out the garbage, do the laundry, cook the meals and look after the chickens. The girls are a tremendous help and I am so proud of all that they do to help create our house of dreams. We finally have streamlined most of our belongings and put routines in place that make our lives run more smoothly.

Houses do not become homes by merely living in them, it takes vision of what we ultimately want, planning and work to create sanctuary. There is no place in the world I would rather be than puttering in my kitchen, or cleaning out my chicken coop, or knitting by the fireplace. I think we all deserve this feeling whether we are living alone, or with others, in a one bedroom apartment or large home. The feeling we create by intentional homemaking are gifts to ourselves and those that we welcome into our private domains.

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